2018-02-17 - Estupido o Estupendo


~8.6 mi @ ~14.2 min/mi

"6.0 for your Triple Plotz!" Barry applauds a slip-and-recovery near-split performance on an icy wooden bridge in a tiny urban park. An oak wears a sign claiming $110 benefit annually, not even counting the value of its beauty and shade. We ramble up Sligo Creek Trail in search of Kemp Mill Elementary School.

"Watch out, there's a speed camera. At our pace, we might get tickets — for loitering!" Kind pedestrians on their way to synagogue offer complex directions. A man holds the leash of a huge black bear that, upon closer inspection, turns into a friendly shaggy dog. A front-yard cat statue holds a sundial.

"¿Estúpido o Estupendo?" Bilingual signs at the school's entrance promote self-esteem and test Spanish vocabulary learned more than half a century ago. Google Maps leads to the Northwood Chesapeake Bay Trail, a red-blazed muddy natural-surface cut-through in Breewood Park. Three deer taunt, then leap over fences and stair railings.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-03-18